Meet Rev. Dr. Anthony Lowe

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REV. DR. ANTHONY LOWE is a proud native of Charleston, South Carolina. This humble servant of God has served in Christian Ministry for forty-one years, thirty five of which have been in Pastoral Ministry. He is the Senior Pastor of the Mt. Carmel Baptist Church of the Bronx, New York. Dr. Lowe is committed to the Preaching and Teaching of the Gospel and possesses a deep passion for the work of the Church and the growth and maturity of the Disciples of Christ.

Dr. Lowe holds a B.S. Degree in Business Administration from the College of Charleston, a Master of Divinity Degree from New York Theological Seminary, an M.S. in Education from the City College of New York and a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Drew University. He is the Executive Director of the Bronx Shepherds Community Revitalization Program located in the Bronx. He currently holds the position of Moderator of the United Missionary Baptist Association.